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Asbury Cemetery - Houston MS Haunted Place

  • Asbury Cemetery
  • Houston, MS
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Visitors to Asbury cemetery have been in such a hurry to flee, that multiple car crashes have been recorded. The overwhelming paranormal activity of this area has caused witnesses to hear voices and feel as if they are being watched.
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  • One of the craziest nights I’ve had

    It’s been about 10-15 years now but when I was in high school my best friend and I were super into cemeteries. We had previous experiences with the paranormal since we were just children. We made it all the way there, took the 3 way intersection down a long dirt road barely wider that my vehicle. We made it all the way to the gate, it’s down a hill and you can’t see much until you get in there. My friend refused to go in, and she never did that. We turned around and started to leave. On the way out, there was a vehicle parked in the same direction we were.. all of the windows down and each seat had a person in it just STARING at us. No blinks. No words. Just ??? ???. Rhey were somehow in the ditch and the road but we drove right past? We made it back out to the 3 way and took the left. THREE TIMES we would take a different route and somehow end up right back at that fkn 3 way to the cemetery. My friend locked up the last time we pulled up and realized.. I told her to switch seats with me. She was almost in a trance like state. We finally made it out after that. It was HOURS of this. This place is without a doubt in the top 5 most haunted places I’ve been. The Deep South has so much history still dwelling on the land. It’s a scary place. Born and raised ??

    Posted 2/27/25

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  • Preppiness Overload

    It is so preppy in here!!

    Posted 10/30/23

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  • MY dad

    MY dad died when i was born i'm 23 years old and i went to that cemetery he was buried there i saw him and like 5 seconds later he said go away and disappeared.

    Posted 10/6/23

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  • The dad with no milk

    My dad came back and then dissaperaed again

    Posted 10/6/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • This is bs

    I'm the caretaker of the Cemetery and have generations of both families buried here and a plot for when I pass. It is NO5 OPEN TO PUBLIC AFTER DARK AND VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE EXTENT OF LAW. I have spent many late night there and if I see you u will wish u saw a ghost.

    Posted 5/22/22

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    2 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • We investigated Asbury Cemetery.

    On the night of November 1, 2021, myself, two of my sisters and brother-in-law all set out to do a paranormal investigation of Asbury Cemetery. I was really stoked and excited about it, because of the stories that my brother-in-law had told me about it, about how people had experienced all sorts of things, such as screaming coming from the woods, or even being scratched or clawed by an unseen evil presence. There were also stories of a big, black dog barking very loudly at people, or a big, black van attempting to run people off of the small, dirt road leading to the cemetery who get too close. But me, just like the professional paranormal investigators, I went in there as a skeptic, thinking that I might not catch anything paranormal. I had a full-spectrum video camera, a voice recorder and a K2 meter, all of which I utilized during the investigation. I had quite a few hits on the K2, where it lit up all the way to the red light a few times, but I can't really say that that was anything paranormal that did that, although I will not rule that out. I did not catch any images of an apparition on my full-spectrum video camera, but I did catch some really low, whispering voices on my voice recorder. Also during our investigation, my brother-in-law connected his phone to his Bluetooth speaker, opened up the Necrophonic spirit box app and we heard quite a few voices coming through it, even got quite a few intelligent responses. (I'm pretty sure it's his review, talking about the Necrophic spirit box app session done on October 30, probably the review below mine.) However, I am very skeptical about the Necrophonic app, or any phone app, for that matter being used in a paranormal investigation. I have read reviews regarding such apps and the reviews that I've read have said that most, if not all of them come with pre-recorded, spooky-sounding voices playing on a loop in the apps. I do want to go back sometime to do a more thorough investigation of Asbury Cemetery and maybe I can order a real spirit box, like what people see the professionals using, such an SB-11 spirit box and NOT use a phone app. But anyway, other than a few voices that came through the Necrophonic app, we really didn't experience anything, although my brother-in-law claimed he saw an apparition walking in that particular corner of the cemetery where the apparition has been allegedly spotted multiple times. But, my conclusion is this: I don't think there is ANYTHING to be afraid of at Asbury Cemetery, but I do think that there probably is something paranormal there. I'll just need more hard evidence to be able to draw any further conclusions.

    Posted 11/9/21

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Spirit box session

    We used the necrophonic spirit box app and asked alot of questions and we heard marine we asked if there were any demons there and the first response we got was a voice saying the number 2 and then I asked if we needed to stay or leave and the spirit box said go and we decided to leave and as we were leaving the spirit box was still connected to my Bluetooth speaker and 3 times in a row it said go away I wish I had stayed longer to gather more evidence of the paranormal

    Posted 10/30/21

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Nothing happened

    Other than just the fact that you're in a cemetery in the middle of nowhere. Nothing special. I've done all the things that are supposed to invoke experiences, and nothing happened. We used to go out there and smoke weed, take girls, and just go to try to see if something happens. Nothing.

    Posted 9/27/21

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  • WTF


    Posted 5/18/18

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • got a real ghost of a man on camera

    me and two other friends were driving around the loop of the cemetery, blaring ghost busters and yelling “we aren’t afraid of no ghosts!” while i was videoing i recorded the ghost of a man clearly walk out of the woods and then float back into them. if i could add a picture I would!

    Posted 11/27/17

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 3,798
Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3187 days ago)

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