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Windsor Ruins - Port Gibson MS Real Haunted Places

  • Rodney Rd.
  • Port Gibson, MS
The Windsor Ruins in Port Gibson feature 23 Corinthian columns that are the only remains left of the Windsor plantation mansion. The mansion seemed to be an eerie place from the very beginning. Its owner, Smith Coffee Daniell II, died within just a few weeks of the mansion's 1861 completion. The mansion burned down to the ground three decades later, supposedly after someone dropped a cigarette during a party.

Rumor has it that one of the ghosts lingering at the ruins was was a Union soldier who was killed in the mansion’s doorway during the Civil War. Other reports say that Daniell could be seen in the ruins, along with sounds of a party from long ago.

The Ruins have been featured in the 1957 film “Raintree County" and in the 1996 film “Ghosts of Mississippi."
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    On a beautiful day went out to Ruins took black and white photos In one you can clearly see a soldier on a horse. It was exciting to see this. I never would have imagined

    Posted 11/30/23

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  • Back of my eyes

    I had chill all day long

    Posted 11/2/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 952
Last edit to this listing: 4/9/2021 (1435 days ago)

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