• Mississippi Edition •



Haunted Houses & Halloween Attractions in Mississippi

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The quick and easy way to find all the exciting Halloween attractions in the Mississippi area for 2025! Halloween is just around the corner, and if you're looking for some spooky fun then you've come to the right place. We've put together a list of local Mississippi haunted houses, hay rides, spook walks, and more for the scariest day of 2025! Check out all the attractions below - there's something for everyone!
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Halloween 2024 MississippiHauntedHouses.com attracted over 29,459 visitors. More...

Mississippi Real Haunted Places

Check out Mississippi's Real Haunts, where ghosts, ghouls, and apparitions make their home year round! Across Mississippi, there are tons of houses, cemeteries, and places that are truly haunted - get all the gory details about Mississippi's Real Haunts right here!