• Mississippi Edition •



Mississippi's Most Haunted Roads & Highways

Numerous roadways throughout the United States are spooky at night, especially in desolate areas, but add some ghost stories to the mix and they are even creepier. From the infamous Route 66 to roads more locally known such as "Hell's Gate" in Colorado, there's plenty of paranormal tales attached to roads or highways in every state. You’ve come to the right place to find exactly where those are! If you plan on driving along any of them, be prepared in case you run into any ghostly hitchhikers! We suggest you keep driving.
  • Devil Worshipper Road Waynesboro, MS
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    Devil Worshipper Road in Waynesboro is located 45 miles from Hattiesburg and is rumored to have visits from Satanic cults. These cult members are known to shut off car engines and surround vehicles with eerie shadows. Witnesses have reported finding hand prints on their car, although no one has approached the vehicle. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  • Devil Worshiper Road Waynesboro, MS
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    This entire road has been rumored to be haunted, with no specific location or story. Most of the stories surrounding the road involve a satanic cult and sacrifice, among other occult behaviors. Cars that drive along the road at night have reported engines shutting off and an ominois feeling of being watched. Some have also claimed to see shadows around their vehicle, the vehicle being... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  • Old Corinth Road Petal, MS
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    Sitting at 387 Old Corinth Road is a two story house about twenty to thirty years old. The house is not maintained, contributing to a mysterious and eerie aura that emanates from the house. Individuals have reported sightings of the house's previous occupants. A young boy of about five or six years old, has been spotted walking up to the house. Older family members have been reported... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

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    The railway tracks of Armstrong road are believed to be haunted by the ghost of a woman. After her husband's accidental death on the tracks, the woman was consumed by grief. She would walk up and down the tracks, waiting for her husband, until one day she committed suicide in front of a train. There have been reports of the woman's lantern flickering alongside the track late at night.... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

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    There have been several reports of car accidents occurring late at night on this road. Survivors have claimed a dark colored vehicle appeared from nowhere and came barreling towards their cars. After striking the victims' cars, the vehicle would disappear as quickly as it had appeared. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

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    There are numerous variations to the story surrounding this road and to who exactly the three-legged lady was, and how she came by her three legs. The stories usually involve the death of a lover/husband which resulted in her sewing her dead lover's leg onto her own body. No one knows why or if the story is even true. Nash Road is said to be a hot spot for viewing the lady. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

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