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Three Legged Lady Road - Nash Road - Real Columbus Haunted Place

  • Nash Rd.
  • Columbus, MS
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  (1 review)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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There are numerous variations to the story surrounding this road and to who exactly the three-legged lady was, and how she came by her three legs. The stories usually involve the death of a lover/husband which resulted in her sewing her dead lover's leg onto her own body. No one knows why or if the story is even true. Nash Road is said to be a hot spot for viewing the lady.
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  • Man with an axe

    My daughter, son-in-law, and I used to live near here. Close to the base actually. Anyway, we'd heard about the three-legged lady and all, but my son-in-law had to go see for himself. well, we talked about it for a minute and finally went down to the Three-legged lady road. So he's driving slowly and decided to stop. My daughter was like "Oh No You Don't!!!!!" but he did anyway. So he got out and looked around outside the car. Then we noticed there was a man standing about 1500 feet in front of the car. He was dirty and wearing overalls. He was holding a small boy's hand on one side and had an axe in his other hand. My daughter started freaking out!!!! I finally got out of the back seat and looked. The man was missing his legs and was see-through!!! The little boy had blood on his head and was visible only to the torso!!!! Needless to say, we all got in the car and turned around as fast as possible and took off!!!!! And we have NEVER BEEN BACK!!!!

    Posted 11/19/19

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,363
Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (193 days ago)

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